Tuesday 8 May 2007

Ach nein!!!


Am a tad bit screwed, to be honest...

Aaaaaaaand...I'm going on study leave on Friday...

First history paper on Monday (Unit 3 - Life in an Authoritarian Regime: Nazi Germany. i.e. Hitler's domestic policies)

Sociology methodology paper on Tuesday.

Critical Thinking paper on the 18th.

On 22nd - mum's birthday - I have 6 hours of exams, one hour break. Yes. 3 hours of English Language and 3 more hours of sodding German (Listening, reading, writing and all that shit).

23rd - I have my sociology papers on mass media and education.

Then, thankfully, a long break (half term) in which to revise for my last two papers: 6th June, History Unit 1 (Rise of Nazis, 1918-1933) and my Mussolini paper retake.

I'm really, really, really, really concerned about my History papers, particularly considering my horrific freakout during my January paper (hence the retake), and my German (although I've largely resigned myself to failure in that respect), certain aspects of my English Language (however, already having bagged an A in my coursework unit, has given me some confidence), because the first question on the first paper is absolute bollocks, and then there are areas of the second paper, which involve the theories and concepts which I get a bit muddled up with. Sociology, I've largely found a breeze, but I don't want to get complacent, besides I need to brush up on my methodology, and hammer home the names of the sociologists involved with representations, particularly those of age. And, also, interpretivist theories on education. Ooo, and also ethnicity and education, I think I was in Hamburg during those lessons y'see. However, hopefully, I should be OK with any question on gender, especially since I have a considerably large background knowledge on the subject, being a feminist and whatnot.

The thing is, I'm really, really shit at revising. I just don't have enough self-discipline. I'm too scared. It's ridiculous. It really is. I promised myself after my January history fiasco that I would revise more, but I just never seem to get round to it.

However, on the positive, if my shitty performance in January earned me a high C, then maybe, if conditions are slightly better for me, the results won't be that bad...

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